Zodiac Signs

The 18 degree band of a circle that surrounds the ecliptic path of our solar system which contains the grouping of constellations -- representing twelve mythological figures or signs. The signs have many meanings, but in spiritual terms they are as follows:

The sign of the Ram. The balance of independence and new growth, in learning to discover things for yourself, and about yourself. There is often the need to adjust to the influence and needs of others--through inspired patience.

The sign of the Bull. The need to attain an appropriate level of productivity and the balanced search for value and meaning in your life.

The sign of the Twins. The need to channel your curiosity to allow for growth, and to bridge the surface conscious and higher mind.

The sign of the Crab. The need to expand your nurturing instinct to include your spiritual growth. Much of this growth is often portrayed in house that the Sun is placed.

The sign of the Lion. The need for personal development, and to acquire and inner peace and contentment through humility.

The sign of the Virgin. Re-channeling of nervous energies towards tolerance of self and others by analyzing your feelings.

The sign of the balancing scales. The need to attain balance with regard to the affairs of the house that the Sun is located. Also, the use of decisive intellect for self benefit and that of others.

The sign of the Scorpion. The ability to rise through the elements of its symbols (through forgiveness)and to fulfill subconscious desires. The unique symbols of this sign are the scorpion, serpent and phoenix.

The sign of the Centaur. The need to apply balance to the experiences of the house in which the Sun is located. Adapting your energies towards towards inspiration and wisdom by learning restraint and repose, in order to identify with the interaction of all things.

The sign of the Sea-Goat. The quest to follow one's spiritual path (Dharma); confront reality and discover its true nature; and experience unselfish love.

The sign of the Waterbearer. The need to reform, and integrate warm feelings to project your worldly quest.

The need to acquire faith and perseverance in yourself and form a spiritual unity with that of the higher conscious mind (i.e. break down the veil between realities).

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