A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens and oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances physical/mental vitality Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Reduces emotional/mental stress. Powerful physical healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with heart. Inner guidance, altruism, idealism. A highly evolved mineral.
Chakra(s): root, heart.

Aids kidneys, pancreas. spleen. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear, reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy. Increases capacity for astral projection, Joy, lightness. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

A variety of chalcedony. Very highly evolved mineral healer. Energizes blood Aids kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder pancreas. Aids tissue regeneration Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental bodies Aligns physical and etheric bodies. Enhances attunement with inner self. Facilitates concentration. Opens the heart. Warming, social, joyous.
Chakra(s): navel, solar plexus, heart.

Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Helps one adjust to higher, more rarefied states of awareness, truth, and reliability. Clear speech.
Chakra(s): throat.

Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions. Strengthens lungs and thyroid gland. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorder. Alleviates tears guilt, tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat chakra creative expression, power, communication. Joy, emotional balance.
Chakra(s): heart, throat.

A variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression and sexual imbalance. Fertility. Calming, balancing, healing for physical/emotional/mental bodies Helps one see clearly into personal problems. Brings out inner talents. Light-heartedness. Joy.
Chakra(s): heart.

A variety of quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional/ mental bodies. Enhances body's healing energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self- esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Light heartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing Attracts abundance.
Chakra(s): navel, crown.

Influences those low of blood. Supplies strong energy to body/mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns Physical/emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Strong conductor of energy.

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